Neo Child Clinic


More than 50,000 happy families are our strongest inspiration & motivation to develop one of the best neonatal care center of the country.



Department of Pediatric Surgery at Neoclinic was started with the aim of delivering the highest quality care to children. Department is equipped with state of art modular OT, most advance laparoscope, Cystoscope and bronchoscopes along with high end pediatric anesthesia setup providing safe anaesthesia to our patient.

Surgeries at Neoclinic Hospital

  • Neonatal & Pediatric Surgery.
  • Minimally Invasive & Laparoscopic Surgery.
  • Gastrointestinal & Urogenital Surgery.
  • Bronchoscopy & Foregin Body Removal.
  • Congenital Malformations.
  • Pediatric Cosmetic & Neuro Surgery.
  • Cystoscopic &
  • Thoracoscopic Surgeries.
  • Pediatric Cancer Surgery

Most Advanced NICU Care

  • Neoclinic has a dedicated Critical Care Ambulance equipped with Transport Ventilator, Transport Incubator, Multipera Monitor, Syrings Pump,
    Emergency drug stock & on road Lab.
  • Ready to move dedicated transport team including a consultant, neonatologist nursing
    staff & a trained driver
  • Level III NICU providing care to extreme premature & sick infants
  • Equipped with HFO ventilators.
  • Equipped with Therapeutic Hypothermia, INO, Lamiar flow for TPN & Antibiotic Preperation.
  • Level II NICU for stable babies.
  • For infants who require supplemental 02, phototherapy, tube feeding or babies recovering from operations.
  • First time in India, Single Room NICU with the objective to encourage family centric newborn care.
  • For Critical babies, care is provided in the presence of mother’s warmth & love.
  • For Stable babies, infants and their mothers are given a chance to bond together prior to discharge.
  • 3 bedded to stabilize the baby at the first point of contact.
  • The objective is to stabilize the baby before admission.
  • Isolation unit for critically ill & highly infected babies.
  • It has negative air circulation and 100% fresh air change.
